
I'm Michela

A Product Designer
living in Stockholm.
I specialize in UX Design and Usability testing

UX Designer

current position


HFI Certified


Right now


WHO IS Michela

A bit about me

I'm Hello! I’m Michela Thalagala, a Sri Lankan designer now living in Stockholm. I love building products and ideas that will make people’s lives easier and better. I’m a firm believer of doing things I love, and that’s how I graduated as a Software Engineer and became a UX Designer instead. And I truly believe that life needs to be fun, be it work or leisure.

I look for ways to be inspired and to inspire, to make meaning change even if it’s a tiny bit. In my previous life I was a Women Tech Ambassador and a co-organizer of Google Developer Group Sri Lanka for 5 years. (A Rotaract club member for 2 years as well)

Something that I constantly seek for is new perspectives. Trying out new things is a great way to get them!

I’m a cat mom of a biscuit named Oreo and a dragon named Toothless. I also tried my hand at gardening this summer and fell in love! I also love traveling, taking pictures, eating yummy food and reading.

MY process

The steps in my process

These are the ideal steps but practically the process depends on many factors such as the size and the complexity of the project, business needs, time to market, and the budget. And the process is not a liner one!


Research about the project through stakeholder interviews, user interviews, surveys, statistics, expert reviews and competitor analysis


I analyse the research data to create user personas, Information Architecture, user flows and journeys

Concept design

This is where I form concepts from the data derived through analysis and draw sketches and low fidelity wireframes. Here I start collaborating with the team and check the feasibility of the solutions

Final design

Here I go into the depth and get into detailed design for different paths. Also, you will see high fidelity screens using components from the Design System. And the final screens are a jam of the team's input, in a good way :)


To understand whether I'm solving the right problem, I'll share the screens with the stakeholders, do peer reviews and usability testing. And iterate!

Developer handoff

The fully fledged designs are sent over to the developers along with assets and style guides. This could be in sprints or one time depending on the nature of the project

Case studies

Dashboard revamp - MyDialog app

Self service app for the customers of a telco company
UX research
UX design
Usability testing

Nom nom - food delivery app

Food delivery app for Sri Lanka
UX research
UX design

Embank - Fintech app

Enabling users to transfer money seamlessly with least friction
UX research
UX design
Usability testing

"She is one of the brightest and smartest UX experts I have worked with. Her thought process, research and customer centricity differentiates her from the others. The best part of working with her is that, she is very receptive to ideas and also in understanding business realities which impacts design"

Rakesh Ajbani
Head of Digital Customer Experience

"She is a talented ,versatile & collaborative designer who pushes the boundaries of design with innovative ideas to give better user experience. The stakeholders were always impressed with her thoroughness in capturing details"

Yeshika Senadheera
User Experience Designer

"Michela has a profound personality equipped with a strong set of skills. Experiencing her sharp mind at work is remarkable. Her ideas bundled with her exceptional creativity pushed projects to new heights. She is capable, dedicated and an outstanding leader"

Andrew Mabarana
Motion Designer

"She has a deep empathy on users, which has helped to solve complex problems in relation to the user experience of the project, bringing a huge value addition to the product and services we offer"

Arkif Rizan
Product Manager

"I admire and respect one of her greatest traits; how she empathize the users and balance the business requirements while keeping the technological constraints in mind"

Chandula Bandara
UX Architect

"She is very creative and has a good eye for aesthetic designs. I believe her ability to empathise the user while keeping the business requirements in mind always made her designs very well executed and flawless"

Manoj Jayasinghe
Senior UX Designer

"Michela is an all-rounder when it comes to UX. She is a very supportive and friendly person, really good at getting things done in time and her designs are eye-catching and elegant. I'm truly impressed with her usability testing skills and leadership"

Chanka Palliyaguru
Senior UX Designer

My blog

Sometimes I get so many ideas in a rush! And when they do, on rare occasions I pen my thoughts. Hence the blog.

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